
Cleft Lip and Palate: Clinical Aspects and Therapeutical Path

Cleft lip and palate represent a very important chapter in the field of facial malformations. Their treatment today starts already during pregnancy with the interception of the deformity and allows the begin of an individual multidisciplinary treatment protocols in order to ensure the final objective of social integration at the end of growth. In Italy this type of assistance does not currently have a national program capable of ensuring the entire course of necessary treatment. Since 2011, the Smile House Foundation has developed a project in agreement with the Ministry of Health to create centers of excellence in Italy for multidisciplinary treatment from prenatal diagnosis to the end of growth distributed according to the hub&spoke model in order to counter the phenomenon of medical migration. The purpose of the presentation is to show the organizational structure of the Smile House project in order to share the concept of multidisciplinarity and highlight the importance of a fair distribution of assistance as well as the need to include aspects concerning medical staff training in the project operating within the frameworks of excellence and the enormous opportunity of the network for applied clinical research.

Learning Objectives

After this lecture, you will be able to recognize a primary or secondary deformity sequence of cleft lip and palate
After this lecture, you will be able to define what could be the subjective professional contribution within the multidisciplinary care path
After this lecture, you will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of treatments as a result of one's own coordinated therapeutic act within an individualized treatment path