Galluccio Gabriella

Gabriella Galluccio graduated in 1985 with Dental Degree cum Laude and completed the Orthodontics Specialization cum Laude in 1992. She is currently in charge as: • President of Course of Dental Degree - Sapienza University of Rome • Director of the Post Graduate Course in Biomechanics in Orthodontics - Sapienza University of Rome The clinical activity is as follows: • Clinical Assistant Orthodontic Unit - Department of Oral and Maxillo Facial Sciences - AOU Policlinico Umberto I - Rome • In charge of High Specialization Pre-Surgical Orthodontic Service • Private Practice Limited to Orthodontics The main fields of interest and research are: • Craniomandibular dysfunction in growing subjects; • Diagnosis and treatment of impacted teeth; • Planning and monitoring of dental movement with digital devices.