Pirelli Paola

Specialist in Orthodontics, Assistant Professor and Researcher at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata". She has carried out her clinical and research activity in the field of Dentofacial Orthopedics, investigating the relationships between the craniofacial developmental abnormalities and the respiratory function. She firstly demonstrated the efficacy of Rapid Maxillary Expansion therapy in the treatment of O.S.A.children,(World Congress Helsinki 2003) and publishing the first article on this topic (SLEEP 2004).Co-Author of the Ministry of Health’s national guidelines (2016) for the Prevention and Dental Treatment of Snoring and OSAS in children. Member of the study group on OSAS Regional Directorate of Health and Social Policie-Lazio. Member of the main scientific societies of Orthodontics and Sleep Medicine. She has been invited as a key note speaker on this subject to many international meetings and she has published several original articles on international journals