Luzzi Valeria

Prof. Valeria Luzzi graduated in “Dentistry” at “Sapienza” University of Rome in 1998 where she also specialized in “Orthodontics” and in “Health Statistics and Biometrics” and where she obtained a PhD in “Odontostomatological diseases in systemic pathologies in pediatric and adult age” in 2007. Since December 2021 she has been Associate Professor at “Sapienza” University of Rome and Medical Director at the UOC of Pediatric Dentistry of the “George Eastman” Hospital, “Umberto I” Polyclinic, Rome. She is a lecturer in the degree courses in “Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics”, “Dental Hygiene” and “Management of gastronomic sciences for well-being”, in the second level Masters in “Practical Rhinoallergology”, “Diagnosis and therapy of snoring and sleep” and “Practical vestibology”, in the PhD in “Innovative technologies in diseases of the skeleton, skin and oro-cranio-facial district” and in the School of Specialization in “Pediatric Dentistry”