
Does Elastodontics Make a Difference? - (Part I)

The orthodontics in pediatric age can not be separated from knowing the milk teeth that, although transient, anticipates the future occlusion. It is therefore necessary to dwell on the etiological factors underlying the onset of malocclusion and therefore on the role played by functional stimuli of soft tissues in craniofacial growth. A physiological neuromuscular development promotes eugnatic growth and harmonious tooth-skeletal relationships. On the contrary, in the presence of dysfunctions will alter the growth leading to the onset of malocclusion. Therefore, early orthodontic treatment also becomes necessary for the restoration of stomatognatic multifunctions such as suckling, swallowing, breathing and chewing. The treatment of premature malocclusion as well as avoiding invasive treatments at the end of growth allows to increase long-term stability with a clear advantage for the general health of the individual. From the scientific and clinical evidence today we know that the musculoskeletal balance of the stomatognatic apparatus also affects the musculoskeletal balance of the entire body of the patient, in other words the functional disorders of the occlusion, of the TMJ and chewing muscles can cause dysfunction in different areas of the body away from the mouth such as the head, cervical area, back, pelvis, lower limbs and foot. A new approach to functional treatment is represented by elastodontic therapy that exploits light and elastic forces eliminates functional disorders, affects the growth of bone bases and the location of dental elements. In fact, the elastodontic devices acting in a three-dimensional way in the oral cavity harmonize the perioral, oral and lingual muscles, restoring a correct muscle function by guiding towards a correct dental-alveolar development. A modern orthodontic treatment must pursue an ideal and harmonious alignment of the teeth guided by the growth of the maxillary to obtain not only an excellent aesthetic result but also occlusal and functional stability. The orthodontic path must also be in harmony with the postural development of the child.

Learning Objectives

After this lecture, you will be able to understand the importance of early treatment already from the primary dentition.
After this lecture, you will be able to understand the importance of elastodontic therapy and the therapeutic phases.
After this lecture, you will be able to show the ideal characteristics of elastodontic appliances.