
Why and How to Start the Treatment of Malocclusions from the Deciduous Dentition

Orthodontics with braces, orthodontics with aligners, mobile or lingual orthodontics, orthodontics with skeletal anchorage, paediatric or adult orthodontics, pre and post surgical orthodontics, elastodontics. Nowadays - as just listed - there are multiple ways we can follow in order to treat patients. This is why clinicians could be undecided on what to do and how to behave. It’s essential to know, as years go by, that it’s harder to get a good result in adults. Meanwhile childhood is the best frame of time to treat patients whenever the clinician knows how to approach. Indeed the so-called deciduous dentition is the phase where you can succeed the most due to factors like the dentofacial growth and the joyful experience of the patient.

Learning Objectives

After this lecture, you will be able to learn diagnosing different forms of malocclusion in deciduous dentition
After this lecture, you will be able to comprehend the opportunity of an early treatment, since the deciduous dentition phase
After this lecture, you will be able to understand the real importance of myotheraphy