
Timing in Orthodontics - Is There an Answer?

The aim of my talk is to invoke some thought in the way we treat our growing patients. As we come under pressure for more demanding patients / parents, will we bow to the demands of their wishes or will we stand by evidence-based treatment protocol? What is the evidence available for such treatment? I would like to share with you my experiences as well. I intend to discuss the topic of timing in orthodontic treatment. We need to delve into the question in greater detail. We will ask ourselves 2 pertinent questions. Firstly, is timing in orthodontic treatment absolute? Secondly, is timing in growth sacrosanct? We will soon realise that there isn’t just one easy answer. I will look into the various malocclusions that are traditionally time-dependant. In particular, I will discuss this in relation to growth modification of skeletal II and III patients. I will also be looking at the evidence and relevance of such timing. We will discuss the evidence in relationship to growth and time, on the methods available to determine the best treatment time, and the effects of ‘timely’ treatment against ‘delayed’ treatment.

Learning Objectives

After this lecture, you will be able to better understand that malocclusions matter in timing.
After this lecture, you will be able to have some knowledge with the evidence in our decision making.
After this lecture, you will be able to discern the need for timely treatment.