
Customized Elastodontics

The child's needs grow with him. If preformed elastodontics correctly responds to the therapeutic needs of early childhood, from the beginning of the mixed dentition individual individuals begin to develop the need for custom-made devices that increase the comfort of orthodontic therapy and its performance. The individualized elastomer is digitally designed according to the needs of the individual patient and the requests of the clinician to optimize its characteristics. The set up can include slight tooth movements, correction of asymmetries, mandibular advancement, improvement of overbite and overjet with verticality control, guide the eruption of the permanent dentition and favor its settling. The peculiarity of enhancing speech therapy myofunctional therapies, facilitating the automation of learned motor patterns, makes the device versatile and usable in all phases of interdisciplinary collaboration and valid for maintaining the result obtained between several phases of therapy or at the end of the orthodontic course.

Learning Objectives

After this lecture, you will be able to know the indications for individualized elastodontics
After this lecture, you will be able to understand the importance of the synergy between interceptive orthodontics and myofunctional speech therapy
After this lecture, you will be able to assess the need for early therapy